

Created by GotchaCards by HyperHeartComputing

a thrilling rock-scissors-paper dueling card game for all ages by Pat Casao & pabloKM

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Reward Surveys Sent Out & Late Pledges!
about 1 month ago – Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 10:26:07 AM

Hey y'all!!

All Reward Surveys have been send out! At the time of this writing, 44% of surveys have been filled out. Not too shabby for the first week!

If you haven't gotten a survey email yet, please reach out via comment or support email and we'll figure out how to get that to you ASAP. The sooner these reward surveys are completed, the sooner we can get our final orders placed and deliver the rewards to y'all. :)

Late Pledges

If you (or someone you know) missed out the campaign, you can place a late pledge.. HERE!
All add-ons are available, except for the free promotional goods we offered while the campaign was running.

Foil Card Keychains

tiny shiny cardboard

Foil card keychains are now available as add-ons! We were originally making these a personal thing, but worked out a deal and figured we'd offer them to backers at a discounted rate. :9

If you've already filled out your reward survey, you can still modify it and add these to your order! There's still plenty of time before we lock the surveys and make charges.

not gonna lie... these rock

Local Pickup Address

This only applies to backers in California's Central Valley OR friends/family that we would expect to see in-person around the end of the year. 

We went through all the surveys and marked as many as we recognized, but found that the option was easy to overlook. In case we missed you, when setting your address, you can find the option under the Country dropdown options:

I'm from around here, I swear

If you're having trouble finding this option, please reach out and we'll make the change manually!

GotchaCards Tokens

Over half of the game-counter tokens have been printed, and we'll start packing em up this weekend! We may have been a bit overzealous with this offering, but it's getting done and we're pumped to start prepping them for your reward packages.

that's a lotta tokens

Project Progress

Right now we're focused on finalizing a few more project-critical designs (boxart, foam playmat, paper playmat), and we're planning on sharing them in our next update. Please look forward to it!

-Pat & Pablo

Progress Update & Backerkit Surveys!
about 1 month ago – Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 06:38:56 PM

Hey y'all!!

We're getting ready to send out the reward surveys! Keep an eye on your email inbox for a GotchaCards survey request from backerkit. The sooner we get all your responses, the sooner we can get these reward packages put together and shipped OUT!

Project Progress

Here's a rough idea of our progress on each of the GotchaCards reward items:

much to do..

Once we finish up the Game Box design we can start ordering the product test-prints, and from there we're hoping all these items hurtle towards being READY TO GO! (fingers crossed)

In the interest of getting the main rewards out on time, the Sketch Request cards will be handled separately from the main rewards. If you placed a request, your cards will be sent out to you at no additional shipping cost at a later date.

Product Updates

We've added a name badge to each of the cards! This is a small change, but it'll help players learn exactly what they've got in their hands.

what'cha got there? a rock??

Check out all the updated card fronts on our CARDS PAGE!

In addition to the updated instruction booklet, each deck will contain two (2) handy reference cards so players can discreetly refresh their memories on the more complex effects without giving away exactly what they're looking at. 

Like the game cards, these will be the same size as a standard playing card! 

huh? why am I looking at the advanced cards? no reason...

Reward Surveys

We mentioned it up top, but we'll be starting to send out the reward surveys as soon as this update goes live! Please make sure you fill those out as soon as possible, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Please make sure to select Local Pickup on your reward survey if you're in the California Central Valley area or if you're in our friends/family group and would expect an in-person delivery. We'll do our best to catch the ones we recognize, but it'll help us out a ton if you use that setting.

Support Email

We've created a support email! If you have any issues with your survey or Kickstarter rewards, please reach out to:

support [at] hyperheartcomputing [dot] com

Future Plans . . .

We're cooking up some cool collaborative stuff in the near future, with a partnership we're SUPER excited to get started on. Hoping to share news about that REAL soon, but for now please sit tight. ;9

-Pat & Pablo

GotchaCards: A Month (and some change) Later!
2 months ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 06:07:59 PM

Hey y'all!

We've been mostly working on behind-the-scenes administrative stuff, but we'd like to share a quick update on what we've gotten done and a rough roadmap towards GotchaCards production and release.

Pledges & Surveys

Out of 388 backers, only 8 pledges ended up getting dropped. If this happened to you and was by accident, please send us an email at
hyperheartcomputing [AT] gmail [DOT] com
and we'll work on a way to resolve it.

Once we're a little further along, we'll be using backerkit for the post-campaign surveys. The surveys will collect your final shipping address and additional costs for shipping. You'll also have an opportunity to add more items to your pledge, or even make late pledges on the campaign-exclusive items.

Artist Bonus Payout - Complete! ✅

As of this week, we've delivered the artist bonus payout to our commissioned guest artists! Before we spent money on anything else, we wanted to make sure they got paid. 

This project couldn't have gotten here without their incredible work, and it was a critical to reward them for working with our budget.

Final Revisions

Pablo's working on a final pass on the card fronts, product box, and playmat. We'll show off the changes as soon as they're ready, and around the same time we'll be able to begin our final round of print testing.

We're still on track to deliver our rewards by the end of the year, so please look forward to future updates!

-Pat & Pablo

Thank you for Supporting GotchaCards!
4 months ago – Sat, Jun 15, 2024 at 12:16:10 PM

We made it! Thank you everyone!!

Can hardly believe we made it, but here we are! 

GotchaCards is 118% funded with 388 backers!

Kickstarter is going to do its thing and start collecting pledges, meanwhile we're going to take a little break to rest up. After the break, we're going to get started on our final revisions and make sure everything is print-ready as soon as possible.

Once we get through those preliminary steps, we'll let y'all know what our production timeline looks like.

Try out GotchaCards!

Remember, you can already try the game out on tabletop simulator OR print out the PDF on our "How to Play Page":

We'll also try to work in scheduling demo events, hope to have more news on that soon.

Thanks again, and please look forward to the next update!

-Pat & Pablo

Shipping Cost Error for the [Extra Deck] add-on!! (US only)
4 months ago – Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 12:33:11 PM

[This applies to US backers that selected the EXTRA DECK add-on.]

We just noticed an error on the EXTRA DECK add-on that we can't reverse at this point. It's automatically adding $3 shipping to the extra deck add-ons—but we aren't calculating shipping until after the campaign is over.

This likely got left in while we were calculating shipping estimates, but we didn't catch it until someone pointed it out today.


We made a copy of the add-on with the correct $0 shipping amounts set. Please update your pledge by removing your extra deck add-on and selecting this one instead to remove this shipping charge!

If you don't update it in time, we'll subtract this amount from your final shipping costs. If the amount exceeds your final shipping costs, we'll reach out and figure out how you'd like to handle the compensation.

If you're a local and receiving this add-on from local pickup, shipping isn't applicable and we'll offer equivalent compensation OR refund you the shipping amount.

We apologize for this error and appreciate your patience & support.

-Pat & Pablo