

Created by GotchaCards by HyperHeartComputing

a thrilling rock-scissors-paper dueling card game for all ages by Pat Casao & pabloKM Check out the cards and play instructions on our website!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

GotchaCards First Update 2025!
10 days ago – Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 01:33:29 PM

Hey y'all!

Hope you had a great holiday season! We were a bit over-eager about an early January release date so let's get a little transparent with where we're at production-wise. 

At the time of this writing, we've already received some of the product, but aren't 100% ready to start shipping rewards out. We're packing up the stuff that we DO have, but it will still be a bit longer before we can start sending out the rewards.

let's get packin!!

Project Updates & Progress

We finalized our deck and promo card counts at the end of November and placed our production order early December. The rest of our product should be arriving any day now, and once we get them we'll spend some time doing a quality check on the product. More details on this later.

The foam playmats were also ordered around the same time and should also arrive soon. Unless you placed a large order where we'd want to include all of your items in one BIG package, they'll be sent separately in something more suitable for shipping. 

The sketch request cards are still in-progress and will be sent at a separate date. We're planning on showing them off as we make them and shipping them out in waves.

Reward Delivery & Shipping Plans

As soon as we're ready, we'll start with a few local pickup events. We'll let people know via update post, but also make sure to send local backers additional details through their provided contact information.

We'll then move on to start shipping to domestic backers in the US, then international backers.
Our goal is to provide tracking numbers with each item, so please keep an eye out for that once we start shipping them out.

Based on our current estimates, this is looking like it will begin in February 2025

Mega64 Promotion!

Did y'all catch the Mega64 promo cards on their Black Friday stream? New preorders placed HERE will automatically have them included with their order!

helllllllo, internet soldiers!

Rocco by GivingNoFox
Shawn by pabloKM
Derrick by Kevin Fagaragan
Garrett by dunesand

Please keep in mind that supplies are limited on this run. If you've already backed or preordered and would like these promos, please reach out to us ASAP and we'll add them to your rewards. :)


If you aren't following us on our socials already, you can find us HERE:
Instagram: @letsgotchacards
TikTok: @letsgotchacards
Twitter: @hyperheartcom
Facebook: GotchaCards

If you have any questions about GotchaCards, please feel free to send us a message, leave a comment, or reach us via support email:
support [at] hyperheartcomputing [dot] com

-Pat & Pablo

GotchaCards Surveys PROCESSING + Shipping ETA!
2 months ago – Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 11:45:05 AM

Hey y'all!

We've locked all submitted reward surveys and are tallying up the final counts for manufacturing. There are a few backers that had issues processing shipping costs, so please check your email to see if we reached out about it. Please send us a DM or leave a comment and we'll help work it out ASAP.

Alternatively, you can reach us via support email:
support [at] hyperheartcomputing [dot] com

Reward Shipping ETA

Our initial goal was to deliver the rewards by December 2024, and unfortunately we're going to have to miss that window by just a little bit. Now that we have the final counts for "Wave 0" (all backers and preorders placed before 11/15/2024), we're able to order the right amount of product to fulfill these rewards. 

The soonest estimated delivery on the decks and promos is early January, and we'll have our shipping process staged to get these out to you as soon as possible!

We're also ordering the paper and foam playmats from different services, but we're anticipating that we'll be getting those sooner.

Surprise Promotion!

We have an upcoming opportunity to showcase GotchaCards REAL soon! Please keep an eye on our social media accounts for somethin' realllll cool!! :)

If you aren't following us on our socials already, you can find us HERE:
Twitter: @hyperheartcom
Instagram: @letsgotchacards
TikTok: @letsgotchacards
Facebook: GotchaCards

Thank you to everyone that's supported GotchaCards so far, and please look forward to the next update!

-Pat & Pablo

ONE week left for Reward Surveys! Photo campaign, GotchaCenter, and more!!
3 months ago – Sat, Nov 09, 2024 at 09:06:37 AM

Hey y'all!!

At the time of this writing, 94% of reward surveys are completed! Only 16 left to hit that 100%, but to keep things moving we've gotta start moving forward. In one week (Saturday 11/16), we'll be locking the existing surveys and preorders and kicking off production.

If your survey isn't completed by then, we'll do our best to deliver it as soon as possible but you'll be losing queue priority and might not get processed until early 2025.

If you're having issues with the survey, please send us a support message or leave a comment and we'll help out ASAP.

Our support email is:
support [at] hyperheartcomputing [dot] com

We'll be keeping the preorder page up for a bit longer, so if you missed the campaign and want to grab a deck the PREORDER price, you can grab a deck on our BackerKit HERE:

[Who Wins?] Campaign!

Did y'all catch our photo campaign? We collaborated with the incredible Serrandononthis set, and they look like they'd fit right into a 90s gaming magazine.

catch these hands

Get a better look at the photos on our instagram!


To introduce new players to GotchaCards, we produced a set of short videos! We break down the concept of the game, show off a demo game, and introduce a few of the early cards. 

Foil Decks

Check out the final deck box for the foil decks! Pablo did a fantastic job sprucing up the box design for this special edition of the game, and it CLEARLY indicates that this deck's got a little somethin else goin on inside.

shiny cardboard..

At this point we just need to tally up the final counts and place our big order so we can kick off production and shipping! Super lookin forward to getting these games OUT of our hands and into yours.

If you aren't following us on our socials already, you can find us HERE:
Twitter: @hyperheartcom 
Instagram: @letsgotchacards
TikTok: @letsgotchacards
Facebook: GotchaCards

Thank you to everyone that's supported GotchaCards so far, and please look forward to the next update!

-Pat & Pablo

Rewards Surveys & GotchaCards Progress!
4 months ago – Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 12:24:16 PM

Hey y'all!!

At the time of this writing, 76% of reward surveys are completed! THANK YOU to everyone that's completed them so far. Only 80 more to go!!

Help us out by completing your survey as soon as possible! The sooner we get these orders in, the sooner we can ship these out. If you're having issues with the survey, please send us a support message or leave a comment and we'll help out ASAP.

Our support email is:
support [at] hyperheartcomputing [dot] com

If you missed the campaign and want to grab a deck the PREORDER price, you can grab a deck on our BackerKit here:

Artist Kickback for Merchandise

Remember those cool acrylic charms we talked about in the last update?

shiny paperrrrr

We've implemented an artist kickback for the acrylic charms! For each guest artist charm sold, that artist is getting $1. Going forward, our plan is to make sure extra merch featuring guest art includes a cut for the artists. 

let's get these artists PAID babeyyy

We love the work we've done with our collaborators, and what better way to show our appreciation than throwing them a piece? Add the charms to your order via backerkit survey, or place a preorder HERE.

Final Boxart

Check out the final boxart for a standard deck! We're really happy with how these turned out, and we're just waiting on the foil deck test print to get here for review. We should have them ready to show off in the next update post!


Reference Cards

Each deck will include a pair of two-sided reference cards. Starter Tier cards on one side, Advanced Tier cards on the other! Players can quickly (and subtly) review the card effects without letting their opponents know exactly what they want to know.

cooler than a cheat sheet

Pat & Pablo Signed Cards

With our last test print, we also got stacks of cards for us to sign! Should make it easy to pack them into the survey rewards (and they ARE first-come first-serve) so make sure you make your choices ASAP.

give me a sign

Overall Progress

We've completed our work on the game tokens, foam playmats, and paper playmats! Once we get our foil deck test prints we can finish up our final review for everything included in a finished copy of GotchaCards. Feels incredible to get this far!

we're almost there...!

Now that most of the design work is done, we should be able to start working through the sketch request cards and sharing our progress as we complete them!

Collaboration Project

We've been cookin' up a sick collaboration project to promote GotchaCards into the end of the preorder period, so definitely keep an eye on our socials!

If you aren't following us already, you can find us HERE:
Twitter: @hyperheartcom 
Instagram: @letsgotchacards
TikTok: @letsgotchacards
Facebook: GotchaCards

Please look forward to the next update!

-Pat & Pablo

Reward Surveys Sent Out & Late Pledges!
5 months ago – Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 10:26:07 AM

Hey y'all!!

All Reward Surveys have been send out! At the time of this writing, 44% of surveys have been filled out. Not too shabby for the first week!

If you haven't gotten a survey email yet, please reach out via comment or support email and we'll figure out how to get that to you ASAP. The sooner these reward surveys are completed, the sooner we can get our final orders placed and deliver the rewards to y'all. :)

Late Pledges

If you (or someone you know) missed out the campaign, you can place a late pledge.. HERE!
All add-ons are available, except for the free promotional goods we offered while the campaign was running.

Foil Card Keychains

tiny shiny cardboard

Foil card keychains are now available as add-ons! We were originally making these a personal thing, but worked out a deal and figured we'd offer them to backers at a discounted rate. :9

If you've already filled out your reward survey, you can still modify it and add these to your order! There's still plenty of time before we lock the surveys and make charges.

not gonna lie... these rock

Local Pickup Address

This only applies to backers in California's Central Valley OR friends/family that we would expect to see in-person around the end of the year. 

We went through all the surveys and marked as many as we recognized, but found that the option was easy to overlook. In case we missed you, when setting your address, you can find the option under the Country dropdown options:

I'm from around here, I swear

If you're having trouble finding this option, please reach out and we'll make the change manually!

GotchaCards Tokens

Over half of the game-counter tokens have been printed, and we'll start packing em up this weekend! We may have been a bit overzealous with this offering, but it's getting done and we're pumped to start prepping them for your reward packages.

that's a lotta tokens

Project Progress

Right now we're focused on finalizing a few more project-critical designs (boxart, foam playmat, paper playmat), and we're planning on sharing them in our next update. Please look forward to it!

-Pat & Pablo