

Created by GotchaCards by HyperHeartComputing

a thrilling rock-scissors-paper dueling card game for all ages by Pat Casao & pabloKM Check out the cards and play instructions on our website!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

GotchaCards: End of Week TWO + Updates
8 months ago – Fri, May 24, 2024 at 11:36:27 PM

Hello everyone!

We're two weeks into the campaign now, and at the time of this writing we're 41% of the way to our goal! Thank you so much to everyone that's already supported us!

Shipping Updates!

We've added Mexico and UK to our shipping options! Mexico felt like a natural addition after Canada, but we've seen enough people express interest from the UK so we figured we should put the work in and deliver!

If you know anyone in these regions that loves card games and board games, please introduce them to GotchaCards!

Live Demo Events + Streaming!

We'll be showing off GotchaCards are more live demo events in California's Central Valley. If you know a card or game shop that would be interested in hosting us, please recommend them in the comments! We'd be happy to get in touch with them and support them while demo-ing in their shops.

To show off more of the game, we're also going to be streaming Tabletop Simulator streams on! Follow our twitch channel and tune in whenever we go live! 


Share Our Project on Social Media!

We still need 59% more to reach our goal, and sharing the project everywhere you can will help us get there! We're running ads and other things to drum up interest, but nothing beats powerful word-of-mouth.

If you're on any of these platforms, please share GotchaCards with your friends and family!

Twitter: @hyperheartcom 
Instagram: @letsgotchacards
TikTok: @letsgotchacards
Facebook: GotchaCards

Try Out GotchaCards... For "Free"!

Remember, if you have access to a printer or Tabletop Simulator, you can already try out GotchaCards! We want people to be able to enjoy the game and consider supporting us if they like it.

Review the written or video instructions here:

Then when you're ready, try one of these options:
Grab the printable PDF here
Try Tabletop Simulator: Tutorial Set
Try Tabletop Simulator: Complete Set

Please look forward to the next update!

- Pat & Pablo